If you wanted to ask I don't see why you didn't contact me directly, but I get it you just want to start problems, enjoy a week break you need it apparently. Noone participated in the auction so I closed it, I am not interested in auctioning something one person made a measly bid on that is stupid as fuck, it is my choice whether I seek to sell something or not and it should be common sense that if no one participates in absolutely ANY auction on or offline the auction is just a bust and there is no winner. I would rather just not sell anymore groups rather than give one away, it is not like you paid even a penny let alone a Koin for it so complain some more in attempt to make me look bad, go right on ahead and enjoy your ban.
PM me ANY private/personal or anyhting related to me and noone else as its honestly not anyone elses business, nor close to a public matter.