GT: Bentley

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Quad said:
buy buy tags? I dont understand.... Are you mad I told people to deal with caution? If you're legit you have no need to worry and should stop fussing. Obviously your consistent b****ing is tying and leading directly into my point.

Why you mad?

Ok mr. come to me asking for a tag.
Quad has no right in calling god a scammer. Gtfo quad. God is legit as a mofo
What type of staff fights with a reg member like are u kidding me quad stop accusing people of doing things.... and start acting like a staff
Hey said:
Quad has no right in calling god a scammer. Gtfo quad. God is legit as a mofo

I never called him a scammer, please re-read my post. I was just warning users to deal with caution, I always suggest dealing with caution even with me or Philly.

Also, I do have a right to do anything I want that is within the FK rules and I was within them. gtfo Hey.

Pretty immature if you ask me... Anyways this is a really nice tag man, thanks for bringing it onto our forums. GLWS.
Staff shouldn't be saying "quick scam" to another member. Guess everyone was right about you
Quad, Don't just come on GOD's Post and tell people to be caution on when buying from him, respect him like any other member on this forum when there selling something, only say that once you get a complaint on the User God Scamming someone on this, then you have the right to tell people to be careful when dealing with him.
chaotic said:
Lol you are so low balling. This tag is obviously worth more than $25.

hey faggot its an offer i didnt say ill buy it now for $25 so before you reply dont reply because your an idiot

Bitch, Quad is staff. He is trying to fucking keep you guys from getting scammed and you guys want the beat down on him like he's fucking calling the guy out? The fuck? Show some respect, he's staff. He basically say's what goes. He told you guys " Deal with caution " Not " He's a fucking scammer don't trust him" I'm pretty fucking sure that he is tired of all these fucking scam reports saying that they didn't use a MM. HE FUCKING TOLD YOU TO USE A FUCKING MIDDLE MAN! Many times over and over. Stop being so fucking STUBBORN and fucking listen. I don't care if it's your best friend. Use a mutha fuckin MM! The fuck is so hard? It's just one IM away. the fuck.

but hes preventing him from scamming so that one person doesnt get scammed stop jumping on Quads dic whoever thinks they trust him go ahead still have to deal with caution since hes a new member stop arguing guys and think about what is really being said

I'm just saying because I see upgraded people trying to sell stuff on Fk and he dose not say anything? just because there not upgraded dose not mean there scammers.
Subaru said:
I'm just saying because I see upgraded people trying to sell stuff on Fk and he dose not say anything? just because there not upgraded dose not mean there scammers.

It's more likely though. Tell me i'm wrong?
Subaru said:
I'm just saying because I see upgraded people trying to sell stuff on Fk and he dose not say anything? just because there not upgraded dose not mean there scammers.

never said anything about scamming although lots of new members that have joined have been scammers not saying hes one​
MILF said:
It's more likely though. Tell me i'm wrong?

Its may be but he shouldn't just jump to decision that you should be caution when dealing with him.

Well put! I'd say that about sums up everything.
If quad says deal with caution and you get scammed. Just kill yourself.
God has been here since 08/11 and has 0 vouch count and very little reputation / posts. He randomly comes out the cuts and sells a tag with "some" proof.
Sounds a little fishy.
This is now coming from 2 people, Me and Quad. "DEAL WITH CAUTION!!"
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