GT giveaway! [Hero]

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Power member.
OK so i just got into the (Hero) usergroup i am a villain which is allowed too :) so i am doing a gamertag giveaway one of many to come its not that cool but its a word.

GT: Fifthly (another word for five)

To enter simply pick a number 1-10.

1. Hat
2. Serene
3. A$AP Rocky
4. Poop
5. Cole
6. Gangster
7. Kasteen
8. TsGh FeaR
9. Aquaman
10. Hubs

Winner will be chosen via

Banned from this contest:

- FatBoy.
My Favorite Number is: 10
There's not even 15 people in the group yet.
Might want to do a 1-5
Thanks for the give-away though!

EDIT: Nevermind, goodluck :p
Cole said:
There's not even 15 people in the group yet.
Might want to do a 1-5
Thanks for the give-away though!

All users can enter its a Hero giveaway, not a hero only giveaway. also changed to 1-10.
I Wish everyone best luck :)
FatBoy said:
Number 2 please thanks for doing this

Actually your banned from all my contests for chatting shit about and to me. (You know what i mean so dont bother arguing)
Carnage said:
Actually your banned from all my contests for chatting shit about and to me. (You know what i mean so dont bother arguing)

Ok, i know what youre saying
I'll take 3 thanks man :)
Winner was #10 congrats!


will pm you with details.
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