Gt: Painter


Active Member
I need a price check on this! It's not banned at all! Just wondering how much it's worth!
anywhere between $30 - $60 in my opinion. GLWS.
MILF said:
I need a price check on this! It's not banned at all! Just wondering how much it's worth!

Does , philly or Jman ( crimson ) own this, I saw it a long time ago, I'm sure one of these two has it just wondering and price check is around $50-$70
Rectify said:
Does , philly or Jman ( crimson ) own this, I saw it a long time ago, I'm sure one of these two has it just wondering and price check is around $50-$70

Nah, None of them own's it. Crimson owns Painted.
MILF said:
Nah, None of them own's it. Crimson owns Painted.

Sorry must have got them mixed up thanks for the clear up bro.