GT: Pleather

I honestly Like this tag for some reason. Glws, seems like a pretty good buyout.
Extremely decent buyout. I would advise anyone to buy this gamertag, it might not be the most common of all words but it certainly sounds sexy.

Good luck with selling this tag Supra, I hope someone takes an interest. You have my vouch.
pleather, that just soungs soooo sxyyyy
Pretty decent tag you have there man. Good luck with sales!
Uzi said:
Extremely decent buyout. I would advise anyone to buy this gamertag, it might not be the most common of all words but it certainly sounds sexy.

Good luck with selling this tag Supra, I hope someone takes an interest. You have my vouch.
Thanks for the vouch Uzi
supra did i but hba from you, think i did?? anyways vouch for this nigga, he legit af!!!!
Houston said:
supra did i but hba from you, think i did?? anyways vouch for this nigga, he legit af!!!!
Ya aha, thanks man
Wait didn't this tag get scammed from pleather by RSASS, then it was turboed while swapping?
Field said:
Wait didn't this tag get scammed from pleather by RSASS, then it was turboed while swapping?

yes, im pretty sure cuz pleather with lowercase p was my friend and he said that he got scammed.
gio said:
yes, im pretty sure cuz pleather with lowercase p was my friend and he said that he got scammed.
Yes, RSASS / FK user "Stoned" scammed "pleather" which
was the FK user "Highrise". RSASS had it for a while then sold it. I got
this from Phantom.

XnW said:
What did Kirby trade you for his tags? Lol.
I got it from Phantom, I don't see why everybody
says I got this from Kirby, when Phantom was selling it after.
Hey I'm interested in this tag.
Hmu on aim: Jani Laitiala
Bumping this, haven't been on in a few
days due to Internet problems.
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