GT Shop


Power member.
Selling these Semi's.
We can use MM if you want.
Payment: Paypal

GT: Cottages - Sold to John Sinamoi

GT: Subsort
Bin: 10$

GT: Expediate
Bin: 15$

GT: Waiving
Bin: 10$

GT: Busked
Bin: 10$

GT: Shoresides
Bin: 10$

GT: Exacutant
Bin: 5$

GT: Qacky
Bin: 5$

GT: Wste
Bin: 5$

GT: Princetons - This is a University (Plural)
Bin: 5$

GT: Juilliards - Institute of Musical Art (Famous School)
Bin: 5$
Bumping time, HMU need these tags sold.

Bumping time, HMU need these sold
Hey, I'm interested in one of your tags. Do you have Skype or anything so we can talk?
s1kc said:
LOL, these tags are garbo
Does it look like I give a fuck? Obviously not, there just tags. And I can guarantee you I've owned way better tags then your random ass. So go trash some other thread. Later fag
Verm said:
Same thing i was thinking.
but your a random, so GTFO

Fluxos said:
Supra, do you still have the tag M1U?
Ya, I sill have it.
Trying to sell it for 10$

A⁣⁣ said:
Hey whats the gamer pic on expediate?
Not to sure, I downloaded it from Horizon.
If I find out, I'll let you know.
Ok well getting money soon and I was really looking for a 3 character tag or an OG so I'll keep you updated.
Fluxos said:
Ok well getting money soon and I was really looking for a 3 character tag or an OG so I'll keep you updated.
ya man, no problem
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