Guess it's my turn...


Ex-Staff Member
To be inactive. I'm not leaving FK though. It's like a semi-leave. I've been pondering on this for a while and came to the conclusion.

My New Year's resolution is to rid myself of the forums and focus on careers. It's been great while it lasted. From being nobody to what I'm today.

It all started when I became Staff. You expect no one to become Staff after 2 months of joining a forum. I've had the pleasure of interacting over 2000+ users of FK and having helped over 1500+ users in my tenure of being on the team, covering a total of almost 14,000 PM's in 14 months.

Along the way, I've made some good friends and they know who they are. It's been a pleasure really.

And, it'll be too long to make a list of shouts, so you know who you are. I've not forgotten anyone.

That's all I've to say. I'm not gonna be using IM systems and the only way of contact me is via PM.

Anyways, that's all I've to say. Over and out.
Wow very sad to see a great member part with us. I hope you stay a little active man:/
I don't know you that well but it is always sad to see someone leave :(
A big loss for fk. You were probably the best staff member on this site.
@Jimmy, I will not miss you dearly, but it wont be the same with out you. I am not far behind you man, just selling my stuff and then I am gone as well. The site just is not the same any more and I do not like the changes that are taking place, mainly on the activity and user quality end. My aim is Q_X, my skype is Slacker, (the " , " is part of the user name) Once I get shit taken care of I am buying a PS4 / PS3 so I will PM you my psn, hopefully by that time you are still checking your PMs
Damn it, Jimmy. Hate to see you leave, but I can't say I'm too suprised. I think you should give in just a little and keep Skype. ;)
Have a good time though, Jimmy. Good luck.
Damn thats sad!! Well for what ever reason you are leaving/becoming inactive on FK I hope you solve it and can come back and become active once again. Happy new years as well.
Ah man not Jimmy, I didn't know you well but you seemed like a cool member.
I am sad to hear that you are leaving. I hope you don't give up on IG though.
Beats said:
I am sad to hear that you are leaving. I hope you don't give up on IG though.

Inactivity and leaving are not the same. Being inactive doesn't mean quitting the site, unlike people who say and don't leave.