Well this is my first guide so dont be too disapointed XD
Eape's Guide to 99 Smithing!
This is a decently rich person's guide to a fast 99 for smithing
(which is a respected 99)
Smelting is a little less cost and may make you money for the skill but, smithing armor is a'lot less time and more costly
i took some stuff off some websites as i have seen them on there when i looked at some guides but this is just for fact purposes.
1-99 smelting copper and tin into bronze bars make - 2,102,328 Bronze bars
1-99 making armor from the bronze bars - 1,042,755 Bronze Daggers
these method's may take a LONG ass time.
Below a smelting chart, the number of ore for the number of bars it makes
Bronze – 1 Copper and 1 Tin
Iron – 1 Iron ore
Steel – 2 Coal and 1 Iron ore
Mithril – 4 Coal and 1 Mithril ore
Adamant – 6 Coal and 1 Adamant ore
Runite – 8 Coal and 1 Runite ore
ok now for the guide on 1-99
1-29 Knights sword quest you will also get a QP out of this and it is a F2P quest, you will end up with ((29)) smithing right after it
29-30 iron bars (easy enough.)
30-70 Bot the artisan smithing minigame (The Artisans Workshop is a Smithing workshop located in the southeastern corner of Falador.) with iron ingot(I) ,you will also be earning respect towards awsome ceromonial swords which require 70 smithing to make the first iron one. this way gets you up too 50k/hr exp
this will also require between 4-6k iron ore. this minigame is also great because you dont have to have bars u can just put the ore in and they come out in "ingots"
70-99(cheap) i'd reccommend steel ingot(I) because theyre cheap and just require 2 coal. so you could make 99 in less thena month steel ingots(I) get you up too 70k/hr exp
70-99 (expensive) You can do steel ingot(I) all the way up to Rune ingot(III) which the higher the ingot the more experience u get from it but its not really worth it because the ratio of experience to cost Big. Rune ingot(I) can get you up too 170k-200k exp/hr which is insane for smithing!
Location of artisan smithing -
Have fun with 99 smithing With less then 2Weeks the rich way!!!!!