[Guide] How to change your theme

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Active Member
There is not "Help" Or "Guide" forum so I hope one will be made and have this transferred to it.

How to change your theme
1. Go to User CP
2. Scroll down and on the left you will see " Edit Options " click on that
3. Scroll down and on the right you will see " Other Options " and under it will be Board Style and it will have the options to change the theme.

Hope this helped
There is not "Help" Or "Guide" forum so I hope one will be made and have this transferred to it.

How to change your theme
1. Go to User CP
2. Scroll down and on the left you will see " Edit Options " click on that
3. Scroll down and on the right you will see " Other Options " and under it will be Board Style and it will have the options to change the theme.

Hope this helped
There is not "Help" Or "Guide" forum so I hope one will be made and have this transferred to it.

How to change your theme
1. Go to User CP
2. Scroll down and on the left you will see " Edit Options " click on that
3. Scroll down and on the right you will see " Other Options " and under it will be Board Style and it will have the options to change the theme.

Hope this helped
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