Keeping your Runescape account secure!
1. Staying Clean
2. Choosing a Password
3. Recovery Questions
4. Bank Pin
5. Phishing Prevention
#1 Staying Clean
Keeping your computer clean is the most important part of making your account as secure as possible. 90% of all account hijacks are due to carelessly downloading a keylogger or RAT. Aside from those other malware are highly unlikely to steal your Runescape account because they are more interested in real money.
The first thing needed to keep your account clean is a great anti-virus. These are the most important shields to getting infected aside from your actual knowledge.
Anti-viruses I recommend:
1. Avast!
2. Avira
3. Microsoft Security Essentials
I would also recommend using Malwarebytes and doing weekly scans with it as it is a excellent malware detection tool.
You can find it here: MalwareBytes Anti-Malware
The last thing necessary in stay clean is the knowledge to know what to download and what not to download. I would like to declare that every single runescape pin, gold, auth generators are fake and are nothing, but keyloggers and RATs. Avoid them at all costs. This is the primary way to get a account stolen and should be heavily avoided.
#2 Choosing a Password
Choosing a unguessable password is a extremely important thing to do. I will go ahead and say that 123456, Abc123456, qwer123456, etc. are not suitable passwords. Try something like a random word + some initials for things like your name not in order. Like EsEtKaSperSky9182C
It may look hard to type at first, but once you can get that password memorized and type it over time it will be easy to type fast without error.
#3 Recovery Questions
Recovery Questions are a extremely important part of recovering a hacked account. If you know these and all of your account info and you have a bank pin your account will never get stolen from you and your items will be safe.
The most important part of creating your Recovery Questions are keeping them personal and random.
If they are easily guessable by someone who knows you in real life or someone can easily find them through Google, then you need to strengthen them to make them as hard as possible for someone aside from you to know them. When answering the questions don't give it a real correct answer or give it specificness. For example, Question: What brand is your T.V.? Hd1080p
See what I did there? I gave it a answer I would know, but not what someone else that lived in my house would know because they wouldn't know that I put hd1080p rather then the actual brand. Plus, someone who was searching for your recovery information wouldn't be able to find that.
#4 Bank Pin
If you ever get your account hijacked these are your best friend. It is impossible for someone who keylogs you to get one of these, but someone who was focused on you when you were Ratted would probably let them get your password. The important part about these are making them also unguessable. If your bank pin is 1234 that will probably be a person who doesn't know its first guess. A bank pin should be a unguessable number that is important you to you in someway. It could be 4 letters from your social security number or something along those lines. I wouldn't recommend the last 4 numbers, but something along the lines of every other number.
I would also recommend putting all of your important things in your bank before logging out too.
#5 Phishing prevention
These aren't very common, but they are out here. Phishers make sites and advertise it like: Go here and sign up to become a player moderator!
The only way to become a player moderator is for Jagex to pick you and send you a message using the message center. They will not send you a e-mail or make another site for you to sign up at to become one. Anyone saying otherwise is either lying or misinformed.
All the other things apply like free gold, free pins, etc.
From following all the parts to this guide will keep your account rock solid secure from being hijacked and if you do get hijacked keep your items secure and allow you to swiftly recover it.
This guide is not to be re-posted in any shape or form without my authorization.