[H] 100$+ PayPal [W] Amazon (NOT 1:1)


Power member.
Not paying 1:1
Don't tell me to use Gyft or else I'll shove my monstrous 2" penis down your throat.

Looking for as much Amazon as I can get. 
My budget is up to 150$ most likely. It can be higher if you have more Amazon though.
Not going first unless I deem you trusted. Otherwise we will use a middleman.
Thanks. Love you all. 
Damian said:
Don't tell me to use Gyft or else I'll shove my monstrous 2" penis down your throat.
is that meant to be a threat?

damian... use gyft...
you can just buy it on gyft whats the problem
just buy it on gyft its useful
i will have 100$ agc soon, i will sell for 75$ but need bitcoin. let me know if interested, i will go first happily
Damian said:
@Azazel @jack

You're both getting a monstrous cock shoved down your petty throats.
what are you out of the US?

and im excited.
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