Mina Nagib said:it's all urs @Doug as with all respect to the person who started this thread but his paypal is not verified and I only send payments to verified paypals as that means more trust
so thnx for the person who started this thread but I am not going to make this deal with all respect for sure
ಠ_ಠ said:It's cool haha. My main paypal is verified but I use it for personal stuff.
Mina Nagib said:u should use it for deals here cause that shall mean u r trusted for others
any way I think u should sell it for the other member cause I am not from the us so I have a non us paypal which only allows sending payments and not gifted money so if I have sent 40 dollars for u then paypal shall cut its fees out of the 40 dollars
so I think u should check the other member first in case u can get it a 40 dollars firm value
ಠ_ಠ said:Alright man, it's no biggie.