@California u don't have to sell ur account and change ur info
u can transfer the funds from ur account to any other account if u got the funds using a gc and u bought nothing using this gc
so if u redeemed a gc of 150 dollars value and bought nothing then u can transfer the funds to anyone
if u redeemed a gc of 150 dollars and then u bought something with 10 dollars so u will be having 140 dollars then u can't transfer that 140 dollars
if the person who started this thread will not accept the fund transfer then please inform me cause I have pp too and I am interested to know ur rates
if he will accept a fund transfer then congrats for u and him
@Deadbolt thnx for ur pm but I am not allowed to send or respond to pms yet as I am still new at this community with a low number of posts
I have pp and I want amazon gc so if u have amazon gc for sale please pm me with ur number or e-mail to contact u
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