H: PAYPAL N: BTC ($1,200)


Power member.
Lookking to have this exchanged, ill exchange with anyone since i'll be getting the btc.
The last place you'd find 8 BTC is on ForumKorner, sorry to tell you but you should search else where this place is as dry as my ball sack.
I personally don't think you will get this deal on FK.. As others stated hardly anyone has money
Bumping this. We need someone who can exchange this, someone please do this.
Out of pure curiosity: Why would you want to exchange $1200 of REAL money, that you can actually use for REAL shit, to a useless currency like bitcoin only accepted by outcasts on the internet?
You know, you could always use localbitcoins. Or transfer your funds to your bank account and buy them off Coinbase.
Dude I have around $1200 BTC.

If I can't find a tag in the next few weeks I may exchange it. Not doing 1:1
Color said:
Out of pure curiosity: Why would you want to exchange $1200 of REAL money, that you can actually use for REAL shit, to a useless currency like bitcoin only accepted by outcasts on the internet?

Lol are you retarded bitcoin is a worldwide thing. Same as having real money and many places accept bitcoin as payment now.
Color said:
Out of pure curiosity: Why would you want to exchange $1200 of REAL money, that you can actually use for REAL shit, to a useless currency like bitcoin only accepted by outcasts on the internet?
If I had to guess; for deals online. Because no-one wants to accept PP.