[H] Paypal [W] BTC DAILY


Active Member
If you're ever looking to sell your BTC for Paypal feel free to PM me, I get $150+ USD in Paypal payments a day and am looking to exchange daily, @Raptor can vouch for this since I've been purchasing BTC from him everyday for the past month.
RE: [H] Paypal [W] BTC 1:1

Vouch for this, begs me everyday to sell to him. He bought the rest of my BTC hours ago!
RE: [H] Paypal [W] BTC 1:1

Good luck with this.
I believe this user is very trustworthy, so he also has my vouch.
RE: [H] Paypal [W] BTC 1:1

Anyone considering to sell to him message me for 2% rate
Hey there man, been a while. I've been contemplating opening an exchange shop here on fk. would you suggest i do it? i'm sure we could work something out in regards to daily exchanges.
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