H0w t0 b3 4 skr1pt k1dd13


Well-Known Member
  1. D0wnl04d nm4p, sshnuk3, 4 CS w4llh4ck t00l, B4ck 0rr1f1c3, N3tBus, SubS3v3n, 4nd 4ll s0rts 0f b0tn3t t00ls.
  2. G4th3r 4nd/0r j01n 4 b0tn3t.
  3. T4lk 0ut 0f y0ur 4ss.
  4. H4ck 3v3ry 1P y0u s33.
  5. DD0S 3v3ry 1P y0u c4n't h4ck.
  6. Tr0ll 3v3ry0n3 y0u c4n't DD0S.
  7. H4ck 3v3ry0n3 y0u c4n't tr0ll.
  8. 3m41l b0mb th3 4dm1ns y0u c4n't h4ck.
  9. Br4g 4b0ut stuff y0u d1dn't 3v3n d0.
  10. C4ll 0th3r h4ck3rs scr1pt k1dd13s.
  11. Tr0ll 3v3ry0n3 wh0 c4lls y0u 4 scr1pt k1dd13.
  12. Put 4 fl00dn3t 0n #w1k1p3d14.
  13. Bl4nk p4g3s 0n 3v3ry w1k1 y0u f1nd.
  14. C4ll 3v3ryth1ng th4t w4lks 4 fuckt4rd.
  15. D0wnl04d 0th3r h4ck3rs t00ls th3n cl41m th4t y0u wr0t3 th3m.
  16. G3t b34t3n up by y0ur m4t3s wh0 y0u h4ck3d by 4cc1d3nt.
  17. G3t b4nn3d fr0m th3 1nt3rn3t.
  18. Thr34t3n t0 k1ll y0urs3lf 4nd bl4m3 y0ur h4ck3r fr13nds wh3n y0u g3t 4rr3st3d.
  19. B0n3rs
  20. ???
  21. Pr0f1t!!!
u been repurted to phillus the admin 4 character evading nuub
7hank5 v3ry us3full
C4n V0uch f0r 1t