{Hacked} level 136.. Pin..


This is the account I just hacked:

What I got off this hack: About 100-120m.. maybe more.
(sadly this was a disapointment.. seeing as how good his stats where)
What do people spread to get accounts like this?
Do you target people or just have some torrents/videos and people download them, or another method?
And which pin logger?
SD8Z said:
What do people spread to get accounts like this?
Do you target people or just have some torrents/videos and people download them, or another method?
And which pin logger?

He never did tell us
OT:Very nice hack landon!
Nice grab. I want to learn how to RAT, so if you have time you should teach me
You're the luckiest SOB I've ever seen...

Nonetheless, Nice hack!

Very nice! Let us know what you get (y)
Good luck when you get through to his bank!!!
Nice account mate, did you get the stuff out of his account by any chance?
Try some easy pins. Such as 1996, or whatever his birth year is. If you know it that is.
Update, eailer today (Owner-Pc) reconnected to me.
I extracted my pin logger.. I got 4 diffrent pin's logged.. being the most common it was either one of these:

He disconnected form me so.. he must of shut down his PC.. time for the attack.. and.. and.. and.....

So now I need to wait till he reconnects so I can get a new log off of him.
Ahhh, that blows! >.<

GL on getting the logs.. I hope you win!

He just reconnected to my rat, I've download his logs and check his new pass to make sure it works.. and.. and..
It worked

Landon said:
He just reconnected to my rat, I've download his logs and check his new pass to make sure it works.. and.. and..
It worked


Grats! Hopefully you can hold on to it long enough this time to secure it! x]
Congraaats! yes hopefully you won't lose it this time!
Can you teach me sometime how to hack. i really want to learn!!!
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