Have you guys died


Power member.
Like the activity is ridiculous

Do you guys just have not have anything to post or what?

So many users online so little posting

Can anyone answer this for me?
This forum has become mainly a marketplace in all honesty.
i can confirm, i am in fact dead. thanks for the concern
Agony said:
This forum has become mainly a marketplace in all honesty.
Seems that way that and giveaway's

@any Ok?

@Boltage Understandable
I've watched this forum steadily decline in activity over the years, its quite sad actually. I used to be able to come on here and sell things in less than a day.
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A lot of people got banned, there's some pardons that need to be looked it'll bring more activity I believe it some users get unbanned and ofc people who paid back what they've scammed but there's other people who got banned for arguing and other stuff etc.
Well thats pretty disappointing

I kind of expected more for the site over the span of 5 years
We are active when the meme posting occurs
s/o @Meowuntagableusername @Emp
@Emp and @Fedoras

Create them. there's nothing better
It was pretty active in the beginning of 2015 when I joined but people decided to scam out and shit, and that made other people do it. For example one high rep member scams out and says this site is dead then another does the same because of that remember and it goes on.
@Ace is right

Memes don't make themselves.

Time to make forumkorner great again
(Or keep getting warnings in the spamming and trolling section for spam)
^stuff like that makes me refrain from posting
meow░w░w▒w▒w▓w▓ said:
@Ace is right

Memes don't make themselves.

Time to make forumkorner great again
(Or keep getting warnings in the spamming and trolling section for spam)
^stuff like that makes me refrain from posting

Warning levels they do disappear. I'm not encouraging anything that would get you in trouble

But have some fun inside the constructs of the rules.

@Ambien It figures kinda like a domino effect smh followers
Yeah it was a few months ago like 5 people scammed out it was a major blow to the site, then other people went ahead and did it, but nothing big has happened since then which is good.
@Ambien Well that's good maybe the site will recover within 3 months of time