1. No spam.
2. Posts must be of high quality.
3. No hacking software.
4. Hacking discussion is allowed.
5. No infected links.
6. No infecting members
7. Scamming is not tolerated.
8. Website Advertising is NOT allowed.
9. Signatures larger than 600x350 are not allowed.
10. Posts must be in correct forum.
11. No flame.
12. No offensive images.
13. No phishing.
14. No adult images.
15. No threats to Rune Gear and / or it's members.
16. No guides, tutorials and or methods describing how to scam and or rip people off.
17. Hacking & cracking tutorials are allowed, although providing the software is prohibited.
18. All hacking & cracking tutorials must be based on games.
Make sure we all have a good time.
Once again, welcome & enjoy your stay here at RuneGear.