You might want to add a bit in under the rules mentioning
Also, I suggest adding a column for hacking under rules, and list everything related to hacking, something along the lines of;
1. No spam, all posts must be of high quality.
2. Infecting members is not allowed.
3. Scamming is not tolerated, neither are tutorials portraying how to scam.
4. Forum advertisements with gaming sections cannot be advertised, forums without gaming sections are allowed.
5. No discussion on warez or pornography.
6. Adult and racist images are not allowed.
7. No illegal content is allowed to be posted.
8. Guides teaching people how to manipulate people are not allowed.
9. Warez may not be released, although e-Books and tutorials found freely online are allowed.
10. Any leeched tutorials must be given complete credits.
11. Hacked account sales are forbidden. Accounts, membership pins and gold can be sold if rightfully owned.
12. The section "Other Sales" is only for hosting offers, other game sales or other legal items.
13. Signatures must not exceed 750x400px and must not be bigger than 750kbs.
14. No hacking discussion whatsoever, see 'hacking' below.
1. Hacking software discussion is prohibited. This includes;
- discussion your RAT'd victim
- invites
- Mentioning you hacked the account you are selling
- Discussing phishing
- Anything hacking related at all
2. No infected download links or linking to infected links or Youtube videos promoting infected links.
Just a bit better organized imo.