Help Me?


Active Member
I haven't gotten very far into runescape and I don't play often, but I want to get more out of it.

Could someone give me some advice?

I'm level 29 (combat) with only 2 ranged.
I don't bot or cheat in anyway. (or want to)
Yes, work on strength as much as you can. Then PK when the old wilderness comes back.

If you plan on becoming a main or whatever, just train all combat stats equally.

Try to figure out which skill you like best and get that above 60.

Make sure you do Quests as the rewards are useful. (use the website for guides)

Get P2P when you reach level 60-70 and have a better understanding.
If you aren't already a member, upgrade to being an RS Member.
There are many many ways to skill up much faster as a paid player as opposed to a free player.
Get your strength as high as possible, then get your other cbt skills up. I would suggest getting 40 attack though (for rune). Then if you get 99 str, you'll have 99 hp, def, and attack in no time. That's what I'm doing now actually. But I have 73 str, 70 attack/def/hp. If you want to make some money, I would suggest fishing. If you get high fishing, you can fish lobsters(F2P) or sharks in P2P. Sharks make a lot more profit.
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