Help please?

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Power member.
So guys, there's this girl I have been dating for 5 and a half months now. And things have been going good on and off. There's some problems though. I have broken up with her once but we got back together. She is VERY clingy and VERY flirty around all other guys and I always ask her what's up with that like why is she always flirting because I can see all these guys getting lead on and it has dimmed down a little but she still does it sometimes. Recently I have started to not care as much. I have contemplated breaking up with her cause its just dragging on. I'm not happy. But there is one problem

First, is that I don't know if these plans will work out to my likings. If they don't then I'm screwed. There's this other girl. This other girl is my girlfriends good friend. She is very attractive. Not that my current girlfriend isn't, but I'm just saying.

So to say, my girlfriends name is Marie and this other girl is Jacky (not real names).

So the first night we hung out, long before I started going out with Marie, I kinda had a little crush. Now, I've been going out with Marie and she, like I said, is very clingy and flirty. She seems nothing wrong which is the problem. And I hate to just disrespect her because she is very very nice and super caring and sweet.

Now, I hung out with jacky and a group of friends yesterday and Marie wasn't there. I wanted to just ask straight up if she was in any way at all attracted to me. But I didn't. Because of Marie. My friend keeps telling me to break up with Marie and just get to know Jacky a little more but I don't want to just leave Marie hanging and I don't want to be a dick because then word gets to jacky from Marie that "Oh he's a jerk. Don't go out with him he broke up with me for no reason" and she would say no and so on.

I am in such a dilemma right now. I do not known what to do. Should I go with that would make me happy and take such a long shot? Or should I stay with Marie and make her really happy, even if that sacrifices my happiness.

I know someone will give a reasonable answer.


Power member.
Well I am in the ages of 13-17 that's why it's really no big deal with dating but I know one day when I get older, I am gonna want to get serious, and I will have neither of the girls.

Rick Harrison

Onyx user!
I think you should try and talk to "Marie" and tell her that you're not happy that she's flirting with all these other dudes. If she's not willing to stop then it might be time to move on, man, that flirting might lead to a lot more. If you really aren't happy you have to tell her that.


Power member.
Trust me dude, I have and she said she'd stop. I told her many times and have given her tons of chances

Rick Harrison

Onyx user!
If she isn't willing to change then it might be time to move on. It's not easy but it might be the right thing to do. It all comes down to how you, yourself, really feel. Nobody can 100% make this decision for you, ya know?


Power member.
Naw dude done tell her she is being flirty. She will probably get mad, tell her friends that your over protective and then you'll have that reputation around school.


Power member.
Thank you Man I sure hope so. And @187 yes that's what I'm afraid of. She will tell 'Jacky' and then everything fell out of line


User is banned.
Long story short girls are ratchets your young you should wait till you get a little older to worry about girls if she's flirty fuck her and dump her that would totally piss me off . You should just do what makes you happy you will find that one girl who is just right . Just don't get stuck to one that isn't worth it or who doesn't treat you right it's not worth it one girl will come along and fit you right don't worry


Active Member
Little kid problems... ahh xD
Your GF is flirty... which isn't an actual problem.
Shut the fuck up.
Jacky doesn't want you. "Marie" is a sweetheart stay with her.


Power member.
Shot said:
Little kid problems... ahh xD
Your GF is flirty... which isn't an actual problem.
Shut the fuck up.
Jacky doesn't want you. "Marie" is a sweetheart stay with her.

Little kid problems? Lol.

Anywho, it is a problem. If a girl flirts with other guys when she's with you, that's a problem.
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