Hey, I'm Lethal/Ashley!


Hello ForumKorner! I'm Lethal, also known as Ashley. I'm 20 years old and I currently live in the United Kingdom. I enjoy motorcycle racing, building my Twitter base up and also sky-diving. I came to ForumKorner because I originally found this as a community to advertise my new forums in the showcase section, but looking at it alone it looks amazing and the community here seems friendly, so I'd love to stay.

Looking forward to being part of the community and getting to know each and every one of you personally.
Welcome to FK ashley!

That's an interesting set of Interests haha.

Lmk if you have any Q's.

Welcome to forumkorner. Do not be surprised if you are PMed by horny guys telling you to kik them. Enjoy your time here...
You enjoy riding? Who's your favorite rider US and UK? Do you watch GPs? MX des Nations is coming up soon!

OT: Welcome to the site.
Welcome to the site, should definitely send me a nude. xxx
March said:
Welcome to forumkorner. Do not be surprised if you are PMed by horny guys telling you to kik them. Enjoy your time here x3

Thank you for the welcoming, and the heads up about the incoming hormonal teenagers, ha!
LethalTVM said:
Thank you for the welcoming, and the heads up about the incoming hormonal teenagers, ha!

The maturity level is a Bit low atm..

Partly my fault, partly @'poop''s fault.
Welcome to the forum
If you need anything hit me up
Welcome to FK!
I hope these kids don't weird you out.
Not all of them are in need of your nudes.
Welcome to the forums, hopefully you're genuinely new and not a duplicate.
Glitter Milk said:
Welcome Ashley!
I'd love to hear about your site, but I think you should also stick around here on FK!
It's no too bad. Dw dw.

Hey Glitter Milk, Thank you for the warm welcome! I'd love to tell you more about my site, PM me your Skype if you have it?

I've made so many new friends today from these forums, and everyone seems to be helping each other out with their forums whilst being really friendly - it's a great community, I'll be sticking around definitely!
Glitter Milk said:
Depends on where she lives. It's only 80 out today. not too bad. Plus it's raining a lot here so that helps keep it cooler than usual.

Why does that matter?

She? I think you need to re-read the thread Haha!
Glws op this site is lovely i luv it here and everyone loves me too
inb4 op is a guy. Dwc user has yet to show proof of the vaginal area to me.
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