hi guys im Hidding and im pretty new here


hi guys looking for help on to buying twitters and gamertags can someone help me out
hi hidden welcome to forumkorner and its simple around here dont be a scammer or u will get banned for life and dont go around lowballing or people wont sell u tags be smart when ur buying tags and Social Mediums okay have a great time on Fk and have fun
Welcome to the site, man. I'd give you a nice introduction to the site, but certain others dislike it when we do so.
Welcome to the site man! I'm more than happy to help you with anything you need pm me for anything night or day I'll respond when I can.
Welcome to the site! If you need anything, just PM me. Enjoy your stay.
You remind me of marvel.. Talk like him. Every sentence or when he's posting a thread says "Hi selling ----" :/
Welcome Hidding!! From what I've experienced this past day this site is pretty sick and everyone here is super friendly! I hope you enjoy your stay!!