hi I'm new lol


Hello ForumKorner! I'm drradfo. I'm old, and was born a long time ago. I currently live in USA. I enjoy browsing the internet, watching movies, and playing video games. I came to ForumKorner because it seemed like a fun place. Looking forward to being part of the community.

Also thanks to Cann!bal for the template I used for this introduction!
Welcome breh. Hope to see you active <3
Welcome to the site! @drradfo

what is the influence behind your username? (If you don't mind my asking).
Random said:
Welcome to the site! @drradfo

what is the influence behind your username? (If you don't mind my asking).

Its a username I had for a job once. And it just stuck I guess
@drradfo are the letters initials? or is it just a made up word?

Anyways dude welcome to the site :)