History of my Signatures...


Active Member
When i first joined FK i was a little random with this avatar:

And this kid named "JayZ" or something made me this signature about a month or two later:

Then i change my avatar to this:

Around 4 or so months after i joined, and kept this one ever since :)

I also changed my signature later on to:

Created by: Gift

And recently change my username to "Joey" and my signature to:

Created by: Gift

And if you have the black theme:

That's all :p
Just felt like sharing.
Ahhh, I miss that monkey avatar.
Go back to it. :)
I remember when your name was Shot, ahh back then. (Really only like 1 month or so.). Also wicked nice Dark Themed sig.
I like the theme that say "Shot" on it better, it looks cool.
Did you have to pay Gift to make you a sig or did he just do it for free?
Optimus said:
Did you have to pay Gift to make you a sig or did he just do it for free?

I knew that kid for a long ass time.
He will prob charge other people like $5
but i always get it free. :)
Derp, herp, and more derp. I guess I like the shot one.