[HOT] 0.02 Cents per click! [HOT]


Onyx user!
Hey guys this is my guide on how to get $0.03 per click! This is a very easy
and unique method and I think you guys will enjoy it! Lets get into this!

First, you are going to need an account at facebookpromotions.com.

After you have created your account at facebookpromotions.com, you need to
locate the Promote Site/Earn Cash button on the left side of the homepage.

Click on it and it will bring you to a page that has your account's referral
link on it. Basically, anytime someone clicks on your link, you get $0.02.
The best part is that they don't even have to sign up!

Spread your link everywhere and you should see a lot of cash rolling in in
no time! I hope you guys enjoyed this guide, please comment to keep this
thread alive! Thanks! Paradox! B:
The only downside is that the payout is 25$

I would be interested in that one then, since getting $25.00 is a heavy one, and would require some time to accomplish.

Yeah, just send it to some friends.
Another thing I forgot to mention was that you can use the coins from the views you get to get followers on Twitter, FB likes, and Website views.
You could upload this little thing to MinuteWorkers for about a penny pay and then you make money and you can keep re investing money to make even more. Just my little tip.
Works good even though they have changed the pay from $.03 to $.02 once I hit payout lol luckily I hit it again within two days lol. I use a bot with fresh daily proxies with a facebook.com site ref and they all register
You would just need to get 1250 clicks to get $25. I might do this but do you guys know if this is legit and if they do payout? You could just put this link in your signature on forums and you will get loads of clicks.
Lmao i found guide to use bot on this site got there almost 400$ but they noticed that i have used proxies and bot
This is a good method. =)
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