[HOT] Runescape Rat/Keylogger Spreading E-BOOK [Multiple Packages]


Onyx user!

Ever wanted to make fast and easy cash on your slaves? Ever tried to spread your RAT or Keylogger to Runescape players to steal their pixels and make cash, but never worked and you only got newbies? Then you came to the right place.

It's time. I am now ready to sell my E-Book. I been working on it for a while.
This E-Book will teach you how to get high infection rate on rich and wealthy Runescape players. The thing about my E-Book is that i have 2 packages. Which you can read about below.


#1 - The E-Book + Additional Files + NON ADVANCED PROGRAMS 10M
  • The E-Book
  • Preset Forum Posts
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Amazing support
  • Simple Fake programs

#3 - The E-Book + Additional Files + ADVANCED PROGRAMS - 20M
  • The E-Book
  • Preset Forum Posts
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Amazing support

Contacting Me

Skype: Skorpanwow
Or send me a PM.


If you wish to buy one of the packages, PM me for paypal, LR or RSGP information.


You are not allowed to resell the E-Book.
You are not allowed to give the E-Book away after purchase.
You are not allowed to share the E-Book

Vouch for this dude, extremly safe
This is still for sale!

At this moment im working on fake programs you can bind your malware with
I updated it with fake programs and a tool which can bind, spoof and change icon on programs, it can also do some other sick stuff File pumper and such.
Still selling this, use the autobuy!
Seriously, someone buy this amazing package!
if you haven't gotten over 5k bots with the method it's not worth it
Entitled said:
if you haven't gotten over 5k bots with the method it's not worth it

It is worth it, i made 1000$+.
Got my first Phat hack the other day.
Bump. Still selling this
Still selling this.
Post here to buy
Thank you for the vouch Floog.

Anyway, still selling it
Is this just like any other guide saying like "make a fake video, upload it to youtube, wait for victims", "spread using facebook", "[this method might take a while] join other forums, make yourself trusted, infect", "bind your file to a torrent", "JDB", "mass mailing"?
Or are they UNIQUE and never-used-before methods?

There are ATM 5 methods.
Two of them are basic, the rest are completely unseen from what i seen, never seen a E-Book for spreading to RS players.
Sent you a request on skype to buy your method...
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