[HoTM] Hack of the Month - October #1


Onyx user!
Hack of the Month is a contest held by Rune Gear to showcase the wide array of Runscape Accounts hacked by members of Rune Gear. Contestants simply post two pictures of them with their account in Lumbridge. They must be doing the following:

Doing an emoticon - Preferably Dance/Skill cape (if applicable).
Have the text in their textbox/said aloud: "RuneGear.net - 2011 October HoTM!"
Show all their skills - none covered. - Picture One
Show all their loot - none covered. - Picture Two
Show the username.

Once you have a screenshot of your account, reply to this post with the image and a paragraph of 20 words or more stating why you believe your account should win.

All winners will be decided through a community vote. The winners receive the following prizes:

First place:

The contests works like this. After the thread is posted, there are nominations and applicants for 10 days. Once the 10 days are over, it's usually the first/second/third day of the month the contest is held for. The winner will be announced on the 5th of that month. Then, it will be repeated. New contests usually begin on the 20th of the month prior to the contest month.

For example: Thread posted 22nd of October - Applications/Nominations end on the 3rd of November. 5th of November - Winner announced.
Second contest thread posted 20th of November - continues.

If a member wins, they can not win until 3 months have passed. Let the nominations begin!

- The Elite
Seems fun, let's get some hacks.
I'll probably join since I just hacked an epic account, but pin is deleting so have to wait 3 days.

Just entering out of curiousity; the pictures pretty much sum it up. I believe I should win because it's nearly a full maxed account. No loot, unfortunately. I've pretty much secured it. Also selling this, so PM me if you're interested.

Sorry for not following the guidelines, but I'd rather not show the username because I'm paranoid as fuck, and I don't see why the location the picture was taken would make any difference.

the ge in your picture seems... rather empty.
TE, I've got some ideas of how to secure HoTM so I'll let you know when I further elaborate on them.
Inb4 winner winner chicken dinner.


This is Reverb.. He is a very well known recoverer. These are all legit. My old account had 48 easter eggs. I wish I remembered the username before I quite for 2 years.
Wow amazing hacks here, I was about to entry but now it's like; I'm going to lose anyways.
If i have time ill add my fully maxed hack, well 108 dung.
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