Well I think science basically answers almost everything, including the why and how. If it does not have an answer then all that means is that it does not have an answer, yet. Eventually we will figure out exactly what happens and why. Currently we have multiple theories but the facts presented by science are way too strong compared to the stories and opinions expressed in the bible.
Before anyone starts thinking that I'm an atheist because I lacked a childhood that allowed me to connect with god I'll say that I went to Sunday school all the way up until I was confirmed. I know I must have enjoyed it, but that was before I started thinking on my own and started realizing the contradictions of the bible. Whenever I presented anyone with a contradiction and the argument continued for more than 5 minutes I would be told "you just need faith." I know this isn't technically a do you believe in religion thread but it you are asking science or religion. My decision, science; for everything.
Before I ramble on about this I wanted to ask you to reiterate because your post is a little strange and I'm not sure I quite follow exactly what you're asking.
(Random argument that used to get me in trouble during Sunday school)
-God is all knowing correct?
-He knows the past, present, and future correct?
-Whenever you're faced with a struggle in life it's just god testing you and your faith right?
-So why is he giving so many men, women, and children tests he knows they're not ready for. He is all knowing, why give a test he knows they will fail. He knows before their birth that they're going to hell. Yet a child is a miracle of God? He knew who was going to hell and why before time even existed.
I don't bash religion, I bash the bible.