How are YOU making money?

Junior said:
lmfao I can guarantee he doesn't make even close to $1k a month.

How I am making money: My companies
How much I make on average: $5,000 a week
Difficulty Level: Medium?

Don't be jealous Junior. I know for a fact that @Poe makes that much.

Just because you make shitty money compared to him doesn't mean you should say that.
Isn't the answer to this obvious for the people on this website ?


How I am making money: I work for a living...
How much I make on average: $1k to $2k a month
Difficulty Level: It's not hard to sell e-cigs...
How I am making money: Reselling to dumb irl friends, selling AGC for cheap that I get for free
How much I make on average: $30 every two weeks
Difficulty Level: 0
I just get lazy
Beats said:
Don't be jealous Junior. I know for a fact that @Poe makes that much.

Just because you make shitty money compared to him doesn't mean you should say that.

Jealous? I make more than him, I make money off legitimate companies that will go on for the long run, instagrams nope.
How am I making my money: no way at all. I bought a kik cracker for $45 and don't even have a password list that most people who have them use like @TheHackerHD @Rude so therefor I don't make shit lol
How much income: negative 45 dollars
Difficulty level: 11/10

How I am making money: E-Whoring and other black-hat activity.
How much I make on average: Weekly, $500ish
Difficulty Level: Preschooler.

All you have to do to make money with those is sit on them 24/7.

Anyways @rude and others already took all of the good shit so there is not a point anymore.
187 said:
All you have to do to make money with those is sit on them 24/7.

Anyways @rude and others already took all of the good shit so there is not a point anymore.

Nah they didn't. I found my own list of users that are inactive. Over 5k users
How i make money ( a good amount too) I won't tell you now but if you follow these simple directions your on your way to making money FAST

1. Go to in safari
2. Click start earning now
3. Click download featurepoints 4.Click install
5. Open app
6. When asked for code put SY7T2P
7.Start downloading apps ENJOY

For Android
1. Go to android play store
2. Install featurepoints
3. Open app
4. Sign in using Facebook or Google plus
5. When asked for code put SY7T2P
6. Start downloading apps ENJOY

REMEMBER if you don't use the code SY7T2P you won't get 50 free points
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