How can I make the most out of this acc in Pking?


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Now I know my skills fail ATM but I'm hoping at higher lvl since I started with multi skills early I'll be better

Here's a pic of my skills:


My bank is only like 2m worth.. it'll be +5m when I get my reward though

I suck at pking but it's all I like to do
lol...i don't know's a pretty bad account with those stats /:
Thanks anyone know how to make the most out of it though
Expertise said:
70 att 70 def 99 str whip barrows prod

they are shit, dont do this.
talking about with my current skills and what equip i should use

Full mith, combat brace, dragon scim if you can wield, if not use a dragon longsword. With a strength ammy and a dds for spec weapon.

Did that help?
Just use dragon weapons and i guess some mithril armor. Anyway i hear this everywhere, wtf is a prod.
Method said:
Just use dragon weapons and i guess some mithril armor. Anyway i hear this everywhere, wtf is a prod.

A 'product' of new weapons, prayers etc.

Ex. someone using a ags or d claws.
Lol i was thinking about prod = prodigy but i heard some random kid screaming "Your just a faget prod!" im like he's a faget prodigy?.. So yeah alright product. i get it.
Quitting this account, going to make a pure mage then when its a high enough level determine what other skills to put on it
Aidan is correct... Also, if your not lazy quest 45 def, get barrows gloves. Get 99 str 60 or 75 att and 94 mage then either PK with D scim/Whip and Claws/AGS or Barrage then Claw.
whats the cb? and honestly id say get enough def just for rune amour then dont touch it, leave your atk alone( unless you plan to godsword ) just train str and mage. well thats what i would do.