How did you find RuneGear?

when hackforums cancelled RS discussion and linked a subforum to this site.
Majority of the people found this site from HF.
Victor said:
Majority of the people found this site from HF.

Yeah, i would agree. everyone i know here is from HF or friends of staff.
I found it off of hackforums. Thanks to the banning of the discussion and omni posting the link to here lol.
A friend recommended me coming here ;P
Pokespirit said:
A friend recommended me coming here ;P

Coincidentally, I found it off reading PokeSpirit's Scam Report for 400m on Powerbot, which he is now banned from. lold
I see that most of our members have been referred from HackForums. I hope that we don't get any more HackForums members, and we actually get people from searching "Rune" or anything along those lines. Other than that, welcome.
I found it when runegear bought a redirection sub-forum on hackforums. I joined and quit, about 2 months later NickVsYou told me to come back.
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