Make the email someone could never guess; something like - best thing to do is not use hotmail/live because theres a coded program out which basically finds all the info for the account within seconds and if you use gmail, your safe with the twitter, good luck take my advice, have fun bro.
Make the email someone could never guess; something like - best thing to do is not use hotmail/live because theres a coded program out which basically finds all the info for the account within seconds and if you use gmail, your safe with the twitter, good luck take my advice, have fun bro.
Good password. Email that's not linked to anything else & has a secondary that is not linked to anything else. Random Email. Don't be stupid. Never use a uni-pw. Upper/Lowercase/Numbers in your Security Questions, also don't make them actual answers to questions. Use common sense. Use fake info.
You're not going to get jacked then. There is no 'secret' to not getting jacked other than being sensible.