How famous is the person above you?

4/10 only seen you post a few times
Singer said:
7 - You post HQ posts. But not too often.


5/10 Good singer IMO, you need to post more videos of you singing. Have you considered investing in a decent mic for recording yourself?
As famous as elvis prezly!!!

Haven't seen you around too often, but you are a sectional moderator, and you didn't get there from being a troll.

@Kevin I would like to, but I need to find a job first. My parents want me to complete year 12, rather than go straight into an apprenticeship. The apprenticeship would be better..

See you around a bit, not a lot. But hey! Nice to see ya.

Also, yeah I've been a little inactive, but it's cause of school. Still check the forums & lurk everyday though. ^_^
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