Everyone daily face lot of problem in life. In my life i have faced so many problem some of them i solved some of them i run away and some of them take me to deep shit. So overall life is full of troubles problems tensions also we do have fun love emotion.A life is where we find everything. But its true that life is to hard to live. Some can handle it and laugh all the time. And some get frustrated all the time.
Yes it is really hard to live. I have experience so many hard things in life when I was in college and I could almost give up. But I know I have to be strong. I want to show people I can be successful in life. That is my inspiration my experiences in life.
Well my life, i can't complain...i live with my family i work in my village everyday....it's hard work but it' for me, i am not rich nor poor , i'm like a middle class ,but i do not always have enough money to buy myself what i want...but that's life ....i guess.
All of us is facing diff diff problems..but mine is not so hard...the hardest thing only in my part is to be a far from my own family..my son and daughter.that is the hardest thing in my life..im not rich but all of my past i didnt think that that is all hard.
I can relate sis, that is very hard. I was working overseas before and homesickness is hard to fight but we are doing all these things for our family and children's future. God bless you there.
Everyone daily face lot of problem in life. In my life i have faced so many problem some of them i solved some of them i run away and some of them take me to deep shit. So overall life is full of troubles problems tensions also we do have fun love emotion.A life is where we find everything. But its true that life is to hard to live. Some can handle it and laugh all the time. And some get frustrated all the time.
there is no doubt that life is at times full of sorrows and hardships. But this should not frustrate us. It has been said that failure in life is a stepping stone to success. We should never be disappointed by hardships and failures in life.