There are lots and lots of tools to help you out when doing SEO. To answer you question, it depends on what you're looking for. As a beginner, you should always have Adwords Keyword Tool in your SEO arsenal, best free keyword research tool out there.
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I m new to seo too and i wanna know answer of these above questions
You will find tons and a lot of tools to aid you when carrying out SEO. To answer a person question, it depends upon what you are looking for. As any beginner, you should have Adwords Keyword Tool with your SEO system, best totally free keyword investigation tool out there.
In SEO, high quality content is everything. There is a possibility that you might rank your sites with no off-page SEO (link building) if you post high quality content regularly. Don't forget, if you're not going to apply SEO, it depends on your competition. However, on-page SEO optimization such as optimizing your titles, meta tags, your h1-h6 tags is a must.
I highly recommend you build high quality backlinks to your site though. To improve your backlinks, create a tiered link building campaign too. Keep reading SEO articles, you will learn as long as you take action. Good luck!