How much are these worth?


Onyx user!
Hey, thanks for reading this thread, I have a lot of gamertags... so if you only want to price a few, that's cool with me! I appreciate any judgement or comments on them! If you are actually interested in them, feel free to PM me. I have left an explanation for some of the gamertags, just in case someone is not aware of it's reference or its meaning...

Birred (force; energy; vigor)
Bullet Seed (Pokemon Move)
Concussation (means: a violent shock)
Crepitate (means: To Crackle)
Dino Blasters (Gametype on Halo: Reach Matchmaking)
Downloading App
Feminine Driver
Flag Scored
Flight Delay
Forward Shots
Ginkos (Some ancient plant)
Give Trials
Ink Flows
Internet Scam (Made this the day I got scammed out of $10 :p )
MLG Events
New Juggernaut (Said by the announcer in Halo)
Past Generation
Rotation Snap (tool used on Halo: Reach Forge)
Succedent (Following or Succeeding)
Territory Lost (Said by the announcer in Halo)
Toughish Luck
Unknown Realm
Viral Outbreaks

Thanks <3
I dont know man, but you have some really sick tags here! i love MLG event.