How much do 1 letter GT's go for?


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Like the title states, how much does a 1letter tag go for?

ex. X, Y, Z
They don't GO for anything, as no one has them. They would be more than majority of FK could afford if sold, that's for sure.
Color said:
They don't GO for anything, as no one has them. They would be more than majority of FK could afford if sold, that's for sure.
I know like 1 or 2 people that own one. i just wanna know how much their worth.
Their prices would range anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000.
Torment said:
I know like 1 or 2 people that own one. i just wanna know how much their worth.

They're worth whatever they tell you they're worth. Our opinions don't mean shit when they're the only one with it. You pay their price, if you actually know them.
$3000+ but all jokes aside I prefer two letter og's much more nicer to look at.
Theres one ATM going for $4k+, so the range would need to be equal or greater to that.
One is being sold on the other site with a BIN of $4,500 and an offer close to that.
I could be wrong but I think there's one for sale on the other forum right now or at lest he's calming he's selling one. The BIN was 4.5K. Again I could be totally wrong but the hint and what he wrote in the thread was very much hinting towards it :/
NO 1 has a 1 letter, that thread on hf is fake fucking hell all these skids man hate them
The sale on the other site is fake. The tag is supposedly H. Lmfao.
Shift said:
I thought the tag being sold was "P".

It's defiantly 'H' since someone threw it on a fresh silver and now it's for sale.

Not sure if the person that is selling it on the other site turboed it, but I am very sure it's 'H'
Dreams said:
NO 1 has a 1 letter, that thread on FK is fake fucking hell all these skids man hate them

Your dumb one of my friends owns a one letter and theirs a 1 letter being sold on the other site
Pandas said:
It's defiantly 'H' since someone threw it on a fresh silver and now it's for sale.

Not sure if the person that is selling it on the other site turboed it, but I am very sure it's 'H'
I wonder how many turbos are on it lol
Shift said:
I wonder how many turbos are on it lol

I know 3 people on here have it set on turbo, not going to reveal who though, but I'm guessing a couple hundred people have got it on turbo haha
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