How much do 1 letter GT's go for?

Aviate said:
Lmfao just because the title of the thread says "Best gamertag to ever touch the market". doesn't mean that it's a fucking 1 letter lmao

Jeebus Christ, read through the comments..
Aviate said:
Lmfao just because the title of the thread says "Best gamertag to ever touch the market". doesn't mean that it's a fucking 1 letter lmao

it says in the thread if it was starred out it would look like this "*" so it's obviously a one letter...
Color said:
They don't GO for anything, as no one has them.

A active member on this site owns one of the tags OP listed as a example.
Deadline said:
You can't even claim a one letter, it's not possible unless you're a employee

I'm not sure who you are with 1 post but all I can say is that you're completely wrong.
Let's say the gamertag 'P' was sold to Syrah. Would Career really show proof to everyone? Wouldn't he rather have the public (and Microsoft) think it's all fake, in order to protect the buyer? Open your eyes forum korner. #ThirdEye
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