How much is this worth - GS/DLC/ARCADE/STATS/TENURE/GOLD


Thinking of maybe selling in near future. How much is this worth roughly?

Gamescore - Nearly 50k
Tenure - 4 years almost 5
Gold - 03/2013

Arcade games - CS:GO, Minecraft,Trials Evolution,Trials HD, Quantam Conumdrum, Orcs must die, Bejewled 2, Worms, A world of kefflings, N+, Portal, Sonic, Golden Axe, Metal Slug 3, Gothem City Imposters, From Dust

DLC - COD4, All WAW, ALL MW2, ALL Blackops, All GoW3


COD4 10th
WAW 10th
MW2 10th
Blackops 15th
GoW2 level 100
Gow3 2nd reup
Halo3 GEN
That is a sick ass account I'd buy right now if you're selling or trading.

Not sure on the price though.
Frozen said:
Like ur username op cause I have the space tag M o o r e, gl if u do sell

You have that tag..... OH god, looking to sell?
Shot said:
You can get over 100$ for this,
very nice account bro :)

It isent worth over $100. Depending on the tag.. $50-$70