Just curious as I've melted down a bank of mine to 1.1 billion gold. My friend is going to sell his half and I'm going to sell mine. I really already know what I'm going to buy with the money and it's only 360$, which comes to about .65/M, fuckin' thing is I got no trust or vouches on here. How much are people willing to pay /M?
Good idea, raise prices the lower in bulk I sell. I'm contemplating going to just a really trusted seller and offering them a sell that's less than they're selling for so they make profit, and I'm happy because my chances of getting scammed are less. Just if anyone's willing to do that.
If you need a MM, I can help.
I'm known in this community.
Also, if you have a u.s paypal, I will buy "all" of the gold.
You and your friends
I will also be willing to sell the gold for you.
We discuss everything via pm's.