How should I get it back


I got scammed somehow. I logged off for an hour, and when I went back onto Runescape my password was changed. I tried appealing it, and thankfully got it back. I logged onto my account to see that my dragon hatchet and about 15M was gone.

Is there anyway that I can get this back fast?
Maybe botting Mining, Sorc Garden or Runecrafting.
Be sure to scan for virus on your computer because u either got RAT or Keylogged.
Bot Sorcerer's Garden or if your hunting level is sufficient, bot Puro Puro.
Maybe start fishing. when you have at least 4-5m do runecrafting
First get your comp checked out. Then do puro.
I would get some stats up. Then you can start making money.
Hack him, steal your cash + more.


profit ;)

(you have to be good at SEing (REALLY good!));
I have his IP, but I don't know if theres anything I can do with it.
You bot Air Runes 1-45 then ZMI to 70 then do Law runes
bot it or buy RSGP

too short