How to buy and setup a VPS!


Onyx user!
Step 1:

Go to :

Note: There are other VPS Providers but VPSInfinity in my opinion is the best....

Step 2:

Buy a VPS Package
1Gb = 1-2 Bots
2Gb = 3-4 bots
3gb = 5-6 bots
4gb = 7-8 bots

Note: If it is sold out, contact support, they will probably have one, or will reserve one for you.

Step 2:

Order it.

This VPS is good because it has the bots preinstalled.

Once gone to the checkout page use paypal or any other pay option choice and pay for it

Use promotion code "5off" for $5 off your first order

Step 3:

Open the e-mail that you have been sent to your e-mail address.

It should look similar to this :

Default password is changeme

Step 4:

It should have instructions in the e-mail to download VNCViewer

If not, here is the link:

Step 5:

Open vncviewer and enter the IP with a :1 after it

Step 6:

Enter the pasword. Default is changeme

Step 7:

Open readme.txt and follow the instructions to change your password.

Step 8:

Open the client and do the usual things like entering your account details, etc.

Then.... Start botting! Yeye Yeye

Very nice first post! I can tell you are going to be a great member.

OT: Thanks for this, was looking into it.
Nestea said:
Very nice first post! I can tell you are going to be a great member.

OT: Thanks for this, was looking into it.


Anything i can do to improve it?
Awesome said:
So with this, you don't have to leave your computer on? Nice guide though, very detailed!

Yes, that is the whole point of a VPS
Nice guide ! I might buy soon if I have enough money on my paypal.
Good tut
Very nice guide - VPSInfinity is very good indeed. I used to use PhotonVPS though
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