[How to] Change your Gamertag for FREE!

This sounds like a great method but never ask for rep on this site, it will result in negative reputation towards your account.
I saw this method on a YouTube video. Other then that I haven't seen it anywhere .
This is old as fuck. And im pretty sure they rarely do it anymore.

They can also see when you changed the name on the account....
You can also tell them that you have been made fun of over live based on your name. But yeah, this is OLLLLLDDDDDDDDDD.
Declan said:
You can also tell them that you have been made fun of over live based on your name. But yeah, this is OLLLLLDDDDDDDDDD.

lol i did that yesterday and they said they cant change my name but then can call the cops and get them involved. Im like its ok.
Рoop said:
lol i did that yesterday and they said they cant change my name but then can call the cops and get them involved. Im like its ok.

Lol they call the cops, but they can't FNC!
This is old. Saw this on TTG about half a year ago.
Anyways, whoever is trying this, good luck.
Thanks for the method dude. But I have MSP so I can do it with my MSP
Tried it on 2 accounts, each one was escalated so I should have a force change in 3-4 days. Thanks!
L 0 said:
Tried it on 2 accounts, each one was escalated so I should have a force change in 3-4 days. Thanks!

What exactly did you tell them? and do u have proof of the convo?
L 0 said:
Tried it on 2 accounts, each one was escalated so I should have a force change in 3-4 days. Thanks!

Lol getting it escalated isnt what you want.
Thats why i refuse to try this on banned tags, will just get deleted
this is a really nice way but my gt is way off ith my name plus id rather pay 10 bucks lol
Everyone you realize that this works with banned tags.
I got my tags unbanned.
Seems very legit, ill try this today!
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