How to get free 1 month codes *TuT*


Power member.
I see people asking for 1 month codes or trials very often so maybe this will help. It is something I have been doing for around 2 years now.

  • Step 1: Head over to and make a new account
    Step 2: Visit (for US use Canada to sign up) and make a VCC
    Step 3: Go to this link and choose the free 1 month then put in the VCC info
    Step 4: After you have it on the account you will need to call Xbox customer support (1-800-4MY-XBOX/1-800-469-9269)
    Step 5: When you get on with an agent, you tell them you are either going out of state for the month or something creative
    Step 6: You ask them for a reimbursement code, and after talking to them for a bit they should send a 1 month code to the email you created the account on

This is a very simple method and I hope you all enjoy, if you do use it then just try to keep the topic alive.
this can get your account banned. there was multiple bans over this. be cautious/aware when doing it.
It'd be smart to due this on a new account and not your main as im sure this can get you banned.
@ride that's only if you attempt to repetitively stack them, just do it once a month on the same account.
@maintain it is possible but a lot harder as they have to directly ask their supervisor. Less permissions due to security shit.
@self I use it on all my accounts, never been banned
Thanks for this @Plague I do appreciate this as do others!
I used to do this on daily basis, works most of the time depending on the agent you talk to.
Good luck to those who try this!
As usual my shit dies and no one posts
Plague said:
As usual my shit dies and no one posts

Does this still work man?
Would you be willing to do it for me as I have the week off school this week.
If you can that'd be great if you can't that cool too.
Thanks in advance man!
Plague said:
As usual my shit dies and no one posts

sorry bb I never K we this existed. pls. 

Don't ES this still work and do you a way to get 2 days like Emp? 
I'll try this out later and see if it still works.

Just letting you know the bancore link is dead, maybe update it?
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