How to get free GiftCards


Power member.
okay so I ran across this app when trying to find out how to get free gems for Clash of Clans. This app is called "appnana." Basically download the app and you can download app and just run them to get "nana." once you accumulate enough nana you can buy gift cards to either use them for yourself or sell them. So download this app if you want to get free giftcards. They offer giftcards for a lot of online companies such as; Amazon, Paypal, ITunes, XBL currency, PS Cards, Steam Cards, League of Legends, and most importantly BITCOINS. Really all you have to do is download apps run them, get nana and then delete the app and download another one. Easy as pie for getting free stuff.

Heres a vid to help explain:

don't enter his code he his gay and you basically are helping a stranger out. So please use my code since I brought this to you <3

Once you have reached 15k nana use this refer code to get 2.5k more nana

Code: h2279526
Bape said:
It gave me a invalid invitation code error.

you have to have 15k nana before you can use code. @bape if you have gotten 15k nana use the code now :p
reminder if you have reached 15k coins on the app use my code to get 2.5k more