How to get IP?


Active Member
Hey, I need a little help here, for example I have website.comm it's hosted on Dedicated server, so I need to find that dedicated server IP, I tried to look at whois, but it only shows a domain IP, I mean Domain Provider IP. Any ideas? Thanks
1.From the desktop, click start
2.Select Run
3.In the Run box, type command
4.Click OK
5.The DOS window will pop up. At the type ping <!-- w <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\"></a><!-- w and press enter.
6.You will see some results pass through the screen.
7.It will tell you if there were any packets lost in the transfer (0% loss is what you want to see).
8.It will also tell you the average speed, in milliseconds.
Stop acting like a lil hacker. No proper hacker usea dosing
Messing up ur internet to fail at taking a website down for a maximum of 2 minutes.

As im in my mobilr I wont expand much so:

# Leave the hacking for who knows.
# Destroying others people stuff for fun is lamme.
# My advice on hacks: Xss and Sqli.
He's not trying to hack you. That's how you figure out the ip of a domain.


And the cmd prompt is an extremely useful tool to any computer user.
I was at my mobile and I couldn't read really well I read like DOS.

And Dos (Distributed denial of service) is a way of hacking that's why I reacted like that.
So eneviac I am sorry and that advice stays for all of you.