Tired of all your training spots being full? Does Soul Wars lag like crazy for you? Worry no more! Premier brings you the most well-hidden secret on how to get all your favorite training spots...and they're never full!
1. Go to RuneScape home page and change your language to Dutch.
2. Go enjoy your favourite spots with no one in them!
(I'd ask someone to PM me an image of Green Dragons training spot so I can insert it here.)
I don't think so. Not if we keep it to RuneGear, I've been using this method for the past year.
Aah, also there are only like 3 or 4 worlds you can play on so I pray that they don't get crowded lol.
BTW, if you like the guide you can rate it 5-star! Appreciated.
This is useful if you want to legit. Sometimes when I go to bandos I do this but now I only go with pro teams. Unfortunately, bots don't work in non English worlds.
Yea...I knew about this a long time ago when there were only english and dutch worlds...too bad none of the other languages work with any bots, but i bet if they did even the other language worlds would see a mass incoming of users
Using the duch bh worlds with 2 of your accounts cn mean that they have a high chance of being tarrgets with each other. Me and my friend did this for a while.